The University of Basrah organizes an awareness seminar entitled (The concept of gender among Women's rights and identity distortion)
On Wednesday 20/12/2023, the Educational Guidance and Psychological Guidance Unit at the College of Administration and Economics, in cooperation with the Center for Development and Continuing Education at the University of Basrah, held an awareness seminar entitled (The concept of gender between women’s rights and the distortion of identity), in which Dr. Hassan Odeh Abdullah lectured from the College of Administration & Economics - Qurna.
The seminar included a discussion of the concept of gender and its causes from the physical, psychological and religious aspects, in addition to the basic components that helped spread this phenomenon in Arab and Islamic societies in particular.
The seminar aimed to familiarize participants with the historical origin of the concept of gender, the stages of its development, and its appearance in its current form, which calls for the distortion of human identity through the use of hollow slogans that outwardly call for equality and freedom, and inwardly they call for the introduction of destructive ideas for society and the family.
The seminar recommended the necessity of confronting this phenomenon and arming itself with knowledge to combat such alien phenomena in our Islamic societies through disseminating knowledge and holding seminars and lectures that contribute to Increase community awareness about it to limit its spread.