Exam Instructions


First amendment instructions No. 149 for 2002

Second amendment instructions No. 153 for 2003

Third amendment instructions No. 154 for 2004

Article 1:

These instructions apply to universities, the Technical Institutes and the institutes affiliated to them.

Article 2:


The college council or the institute council, upon a proposal from the department or branch council in the college in which there are no departments, determines the number and type of quest exams, how they are conducted and their percentages calculated, provided that the quest score is not less than (30%) thirty percent and not more than (50%) fifty percent.  One hundred percent of the final grade, except for subjects of a practical and applied nature and it is left to determine their percentages to the University Council or the Council of the Technical Institutes Authority.

2.                                                                                                                                                                                 Final exams in the finished classes of medical colleges include some topics determined by the college council, the annual pursuit of sixth-grade topics in medical colleges is calculated at 20% of the grade.

Article 3:

1. The final quarterly or annual examination for the first and second cycles shall be confidential in all subjects.       

2.  The quarterly or annual examination includes the vocabulary of the subjects prescribed during the semester or year, provided that the study for the semester lessons is not less than (15) fifteen weeks and the annual lessons for (30) thirty weeks and the days of the final exams and school holidays are not included in this.

Article 4:

The faculty member is obligated to program the vocabulary of the subjects he studies with the distribution of grades on the annual quest and the final exam and this is announced at the beginning of the school year and the announcement of the grades of the annual quest for students at least five days before the start of the final exams through the department after approval by the head of the department or the head of the branch in the universities that haven’t’ branches, The student has the right to object to the grade or correct the error during the mentioned period.

Article 5:

1-The college or institute council upon a proposal from the dean, creates one or more permanent committees to administer exams during the academic year.

2-The final quarterly or annual examination for the first and second sessions shall be confidential in all subjects.

Article 6:

The minimum passing score is (50%) for each subject.

Article 7:

In faculties that adopt the semester system every two subjects is counted as one annual subject, unless the number of semester credit hours is equal to the minimum number of study hours for one subject during the academic year.

Article 8:

Amended according to according to the resolution No. 153 of 2003

1- A student who fails in half of the subjects (by fractional reparation, in the case of the individual number of subjects in favor of the student) or less in the first term exams is allowed to sit the exams of the second term in the subjects in which he failed.  On the contrary, it is considered a failure in the first round with the exception of students of the ending class in the Faculty of Medicine. 

Subject to the provisions of Article (20) of these instructions.                                                                                                     

2- If the student is considered to have failed in any of the first or second cycles, he must repeat the year as a full-time and an examination in the subjects in which he failed, as well as the subjects in which he obtained an acceptable grade.

3- The failing student is exempted from the deleted subjects and demands the new subjects in his class when switching curricula, provided that this does not lead to his transfer to a higher class or his graduation unless it is not required for a subject taking into account what was mentioned in item (second) of this article.

4- In the case of success The student in all the subjects in the school stage in which he is and his failure in some of the subjects he carried from a lower grade then he passes to the higher grade and remains loaded with the subjects in which he failed and he must pass in the following year even if he succeeded in the subjects of the higher grade.

Article 9: as amended by Resolution 157 of 2004.

A student is considered to have failed in any subject if his absence exceeds (10%) ten percent of the hours prescribed for that topic without a legitimate excuse approved by the college or institute council, or (15%) fifteen percent with a legitimate excuse approved by the Council College or institute.

Article 10:

The student may participate in the examinations of the second term if his failure to participate in the examinations of the first term is due to a legitimate excuse approved by the college or institute council, provided that this is supported by official documents and in one of the following cases:

  1. Sudden illness.

  2. The death of a relative of the first degree.

  3. Accidents of run-over

  1. sudden arrest

Article 11:

Academic subjects of a practical or applied nature that do not include a final exam are excluded from taking the second-round exam, and this is determined by the college or institute council at the beginning of the year and announced to students.

Article 12:

It is not permissible to postpone the examination of the second round under any circumstances.

Article 13:

Ten (10) grades will be deducted from the final grade for the subject in which the student succeeded in the second round when calculating the average, except for the successful with an acceptable grade, so his grade will be fifty percent (fifty percent) in that subject.

Article: 14:

The department council prepares the final results and submits them with his recommendations to the college or institute council for approval and announcement except for the finished classes, which are approved by the president of the university or the technical institute’s body.

Article 15:

-The student’s average is calculated on the basis of the grades obtained in each subject taking into account the number of units for each subject.

-The unit is considered as a theoretical hour effort per week and for a period of (15) fifteen weeks.

- Every two practical hours in the college are equivalent to one theoretical hour and every three practical hours equals one hour and half an hour, either in the institute then a practical hour is equivalent to a theoretical hour.

Article 16:

-The student’s graduation rank is calculated in studies that last for four years the distribution of the percentages of years is as follows:

The first year (10%) ten percent 

The second year (20%) twenty percent 

The third year (30%) thirty percent

The fourth year (40%) From the percent,

-The graduation rate is calculated by multiplying the student's rate in each year by the percentage indicated against that and the total for the academic years is the student's graduation rate Activate.

Article 17:

-The results are announced with the following estimates to determine the student’s level among the successful in terms of grades

Excellence- corresponding to grades 90 ninty-100 one hundred

Very good- corresponding to grades 80 eighty-89 eighty-nine

Good-corresponding to grades 70 seventy-79 seventy-nine

Medium-corresponding to grades 60 sixty-69 sixty-nine

Accepted- corresponding to grades 50 fifty-59 fifty-nine

Fail-corresponding to grades 49 forty-nine or less

-Fractions of one degree are multiplied if they are more of the same subject.

Article 18: Modified according to the first amendment No. 149 for the year 2003

- the university council or the council of the body based on the recommendation of the college or institute council Calculating the non-failure year for the student who failed in the subjects in which he did not participate in the second round in the second year in the event that he submits a medical report certified by a specialized committee in the Ministry of Health due to a reason beyond his control or force majeure during the examination period convinced the college or institute council.

-the university council, or the council of the body, based on the recommendation of the college board or the tourist institute for the student who failed in the year ending for two consecutive years and failed in the second year with one annual subject with two semester subjects, is convinced to take the exam  In the third year, provided that he has not spent the permitted period of his stay in the college or institute ** Added to Article -18- according to the first amendment to the Examination Instructions No. 149 of 2002)

- The Minister may for legitimate reasons be convinced to count a year of non-failure for a student who has failed for two consecutive years, and he must not have I spent the period allowed for his stay in the college or institute.

Article 19:

The student’s relationship with the college or institute ends in one of the following two cases:

- If he earns two consecutive years in his class.

 It will be according to Amendment No. 157 of 2004

- If the student exceeds the prescribed period of study in his major and for half this period including the years of failure and the years of postponement and non-failure are not counted in this Based on the instructions of the first amendment to the examining instructions No. (149) for the year 2002, the following is added to Article 19.

- Students accept their registrations in the first and second grades in colleges / morning studies in the first grade in the specialization corresponding to or close to his specialization in one of the institutes of the Technical Education Authority Morning or evening Studies.

- Graduated students accept their registrations in the third grades and above in the colleges / morning studies in the second grade in the corresponding specialization or close to his specialization in one of the institutes of the Technical Education Authority in morning or evening studies.

- The provisions of items (first) and (second) of this article shall apply to students mark their restrictions in the evening studies colleges to accept them in one of the institutes of the Evening Technical Education Authority.

Article 20:

If it is proven that the student cheated or attempted to cheat in any of the daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or final exams, he shall be considered as failing in all subjects for that year and if this repeated, he shall be dismissed from the college or institute and his entry shall be registered from its records.

Article 21:

-The student may postpone his studies for one year for legitimate reasons that the college or institute council is convinced of, provided that the student submits the postponement at least (30) thirty days before the start of the final exam.

- The president of the university or the head of the commission, based on the recommendation of the college or institute council, to postpone the student’s studies for a second year and for legitimate reasons that he is convinced of, provided that the postponement request is submitted before (30) thirty days at least from the start of the final exam

- it is not permissible to postpone the student’s study in colleges or institutes that follow the semester system in the second semester unless it is for a reason beyond his control and to be successful in the semester in this case the postponement is for the entire academic year.

-The minister or authorized by the presidents of universities or the commission based on a recommendation from the university council or the technical institutes commission and for legitimate reasons that convince him to postpone the student’s study for a third year, taking into account what is stated in Article (19) of these instructions.

Article 22:

Exam instructions number (7) are cancelled for 1979.

Article 23:

These instructions are published in the official journal and are valid for the academic year 2000/2001.



- Compliance with the internal laws and regulations instructions and orders issued by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and its institutions - the university; Commission; College: The Institute.

- Not to prejudice religious beliefs, national unity or national feelings by malice or deliberately inciting sectarian, ethnic and religious strife in action or in words.

- Not to offend the reputation of the ministry and its institutions, by word and deed, inside or outside it

- Avoiding all that contradicts university behavior, such as high discipline and respect for the administration, faculty, staff, fellowship relations and cooperation among students

- Disciplined and correct behavior that will positively affect him upon appointment and nomination for scholarships and fellowships

- Refrain from any work that would disturb the order, tranquility and tranquility inside the university campus - the college or institute, participating in it and inciting it or covering up those in charge of it

- Preserving the academic supplies and property of the university or the body, the college or the institute

- Not violating the proper conduct of the study in the college or institute.

- Commitment to the uniform prescribed for students taking into account the privacy of each university or body separately

- Avoid calling for organizations that deepen discrimination or practice any type of political, religious or social behavior.

- Avoid advertising for any party, political organization, or ethnic, national or sectarian group, whether that is in hanging pictures.  Banners, posters, or holding seminars

- Not inviting partisan figures to give lectures or hold partisan or religious propaganda seminars inside the university campus in order to preserve national unity.

Article -2/ the student shall be punished with warning if he commits one of the following mistakes

-Non-compliance with the uniform prescribed by the university or the body.

-Abusing the fellowship relations between the students or transgressing it by speaking against one of the students.

Article -3 / the student shall be punished with a warning if he commits one of the following violations: - -In fact punishment by warning is required, in addition to being previously punished with a warning punishment

- Disruption of order, peace and tranquility in the university, commission, college or covenant.

Article - 4 / the student shall be punished with dismissal for a period of (30) thirty days if he commits one of the following violations:

- In fact, he must be punished with a warning, with the warning already punished

- Exceeding it by saying to a member of the university who is not a member of the college.

- Defaming a college member with what offends him within The College, institute or outside of them.

- Placing posters - inside the university campus - that violate public order and morals.

Article -5/ the student shall be punished with temporary dismissal from the university for a period exceeding one academic year if he commits one of the following violations

-If he repeatedly committed one of the acts stipulated in Article (4) of these instructions.

- He practiced or incited sectarian or ethnic blocs, teaching and partisan gatherings inside the university campus.

- He actually assaulted one of the university’s employees who are not members of the faculty.

- Using violence against his fellow students.

- Threat By carrying out armed violence - all types of arms bearers with or without a vacation inside the university campus.

-Deliberately or with gross negligence causing damage to the property of the university, body, college or institute.

- Offense to national unity and religious beliefs.

- Offending the reputation of the university or body by word and deed.

- Deliberate breach of the proper course of study.

- Proving that he committed fraud and deception against fellow students and affiliates of the college or institute.

Article-6/ the student shall be punished with final dismissal from the college or institute, and by a decision of the university or the authority, and his registration shall be suspended if he commits one of the following violations

- Repeating one of the violations stipulated in Article (2) of this instruction.

- Acting assailing a faculty member or lecturer at the university, body, college or institute.

- Committing a dishonorable act, it is contrary to public morals

- for him to submit any documents or write forged documents with his knowledge that they are forged or that he is one of the instigators of forgery.

- It is proven that he has committed an act that disturbs security and tranquility inside the university campus, or his participation in or assistance therein.

- When he is convicted of a felony or misdemeanor in violation of honor in which the period of his sentences exceeds more than one year.


- The imposition of the penalties stipulated in Articles (2), (3), (4), (e), and (6) of these instructions shall not prevent the violating student from imposing other penalties if the violation falls under the penal laws

- if a criminal case is filed against the student commits an act attributed to him outside the university or institute, so consideration of it is disciplinary and deferred until the criminal case is decided.


The dean of the college or institute forms a Student Discipline Committee headed by the assistant dean and membership of two faculty members, provided that one of the committee members is legal and a representative of the elected student union) and one of the administrative staff is assigned to the work of the committee’s rapporteurs.

Article 9 / No penalty may be imposed unless recommended by the Student Discipline Committee.

Article 10/

Disciplinary penalties stipulated in these instructions shall be imposed by a decision of the college or institute council. The council may delegate its powers to the dean of the college or institute.

Article 11/

-The penalty of warning and warning is final.

- for a student who has been dismissed from the college or institute for a period not exceeding (30) thirty days to object to the dismissal decision at the college or institute council, and its decision is final.

-A student who has been dismissed from the college or institute for a period exceeding (30) thirty days may object to the dismissal decision with the President of the University and his decision is final.

-The student who is dismissed from the college or institute for a final chapter may object to the dismissal decision at the university council and his decision is final.

Article 12 / the student may object to the dismissal decisions stipulated in items (Second), (Third) and (Fourth) of Article 11 of these instructions within (7) seven days from the date of notifying him of the decision issued against him. If it is not possible to notify him, he has the right to object within (15) fifteen days from the date of publishing the dismissal decision on the notice board.

Article 13 /

The penalty decision is posted on the notice board in the college or institute for a period of no less than (15) fifteen days, it is notified to the student’s guardian in writing.


Article 14/

The Higher Education Students Discipline Instructions No. (19) For the year 1984.