The participation of the head of the statistics department in our college as a member of the committee to discuss a master's thesis at Shahid Chamran University in the Islamic Republic of Iran

The Head of the Department of Statistics at the College of Administration and Economics at the University of Basrah Assistant Professor Dr. Risan Abdul-Imam Zaalan, participated as a member of the discussion committee for the master’s student’s thesis (Abdullah Muhammad Ahmid), which was tagged:
(Expanding, the distribution of the expanded power function to estimation the survival function)
At Shahid Chamran University in Ahwaz in the Islamic Republic of Iran, on Saturday 18/3/2023.
The thesis dealt with the expansion of the expanded power function distribution to estimate the survival function by using two methods of expansion and comparison between them in addition to simulation and for several sizes of samples, then applying the best of them on real data for people with leukemia, as it was found that the method of Marshall Olkin in expansion is the best.
This participation comes to strengthen the frameworks of joint scientific cooperation and to consolidate the research process between the University of Basrah and Iranian universities.