A high diploma at Basra University discusses the relative importance of Iraqi oil in the global market for period (2008-2018)

A high diploma at Basra University discusses the relative importance of Iraqi oil in the global market for period (2008-2018)

The college of Administration and Economy at the University of Basra on Thursday, 7th of may 2020, discussed the "relative importance of Iraqi oil in the world market for period (2008-2018)" - a future vision.

The aim of the study presented by the student "Asma Hattab Rahim" to predict the future of Iraqi oil in the global market.

The research concluded that global demand for crude oil would be displayed and the global production would reach more than 110 million barrels per day in 2040, and expected revenues for the Iraqi economy would reach about $ 307 billion annually.

The researcher called for the establishment of an oil advisory center to follow up and predict global prices and predict the crises faced by the Iraqi economy at the sudden decline in oil prices and called for the implementation of the output of crude oil and contract  long-term conventions with the most important world markets.9/5/2020.