In order to ensure the highest level of flow in the process of checking your information sent to the Federal Public Service Council, training was conducted on the use of the electronic audit and objections system of the Service Council
You can access this system through the following link:
Where the main page of the system contains all the details related to the process of checking your data, here it is worth noting the following points:
1. In the absence of the student’s name in the top list, and the reason is often that he is excluded because the calculation of the top students on the department depends on the degree only and not the type of study, meaning that the department that has morning and evening studies has only (3) top students who have the highest rating for the two studies, according to the letter of trust, and the solution is to go to the university presidency, the owners department, in order to find out if it is excluded.
2. The name is in the list of the first, but the student cannot enter the system, and a message appears to him in the wrong user name or password, and the reason is usually an actual error in one of the letters or numbers of the code or password. Reset the new password.
3. If the student was able to enter the system using the code and password, but there is some wrong information, how to file an objection to that and that the reason is often technical, and to address this error it is possible to submit an electronic objection from the same interface of the system and the university will check and send the result of an objection to the same The system without the need to go to the university, the council or the ministry.
Wishing you success in your academic life and beyond.