Master's thesis at University  of Basraa discusses the role of comprehensive banking in improving financial performance using profitability and liquidity indicators

Master's thesis at University  of Basraa discusses the role of comprehensive banking in improving financial performance using profitability and liquidity indicators:
The college  of Management and Economics discussed the University of Basra on Sunday 21/11/2021 Master Thesis in Business Administration on the role of comprehensive banking in improving financial performance using profitability and liquidity - Applied study in the bankers of  Al-rasheed and  Al-rafedan  branches of  Basra. 
The researcher's Thesis (Ali Kadouri al-Maliki) aims to disclose the nature of the relationship between the comprehensive banking and improve financial performance in Mervin and Al-Basra branch
The thesis  concluded the need to adopt the comprehensive banking choice in banks and the need to adopt the diversification policy enabled by flexible dealings with external variables.