The College of Administration and Economics at Basra University discussed a seminar under the title ((Hierarchical Cluster Analysis)), and the seminar was managed by Bahaa Abdul Razzaq Qasim, and Assistant Lecturer Ahmed Hisham Muhammad, a teacher in the Statistics Department.

Qasim explained that the workshop aims to shed light on one of the multivariate statistical methods that is concerned with classifying cases according to specific determinants in order to reach groups (clusters) that include the studied cases so that the cases of a single cluster form a homogeneous or homogeneous entity to some extent, explaining that the basis of the cluster analysis is Reducing the variance in one cluster and maximizing the variance between other clusters.

Muhammad also explained that the episode was distinguished by the method of proposing and managing the topic by strengthening the theoretical aspect with an applied example that illustrates the stages of building the kinship matrix and how to link clusters to form a tree of clusters.