The book was issued (( solve the normal differential equations for students of the college of Administration and Economics))

The book was issued (( solve the normal differential equations for students of the college of Administration and Economics)):

The book ((Solution of the Normal Differential Equations of the college of Administration and Economics)) was released ((Wafa Abd Al- Samad Ashour)) a lecturer in the Statistics of the Department - college of Administration and Economics at University of Basra.

Ashour said that the aim of the book is to provide scientific knowledge of students in more simplified ways of books (Arabic and foreign) that addressed this aspect because students avoid many difficulties, Ashour explained that the book distinguishes the shortest and simplifying the attention of what is important for the subject and the second phase of the statistics of the department at the college of Administration and Economics, Where the reader is required only to resolve simple normal different differential equations. The book includes five chapters, chapter I deals with a basic definitions of differential equation and the degree of normal differential equation and the special and public solution to the equations and the types of differential equations and the configuration of differential equation.

The second chapter has addressed the solution of the normal differential equations and the first class. Chapter third includes the differential equations with fixed transactions, Ronsken and Apple Prolifier.

While Chapter IV includes ways to resolve the linear differential equations with fixed transactions. The fifth chapter discusses to convert Laplace and the computer to convert Laplace and solve differential equations using Laplace conversion.