A lecturer choice from University of Basra as a member of the Edit of the Seventh Conference for Innovation, Knowledge, Management and Scientifically - Bali / Indonesia

A lecturer choice from University of Basra as a member of the Edit of the Seventh Conference for Innovation, Knowledge, Management and Scientifically - Bali / Indonesia:

Dr. Tariq Tawfiq Youssef Al-Abdullah was selected in the Accounting of the Department- college of Administration and Economics at University of Basra a member of the Seventh International Conference on Innovation, Knowledge, Management and Scientifically, which will be held from 25-27 June 2018, Indonesia.

The reason for his choice is due to his scientific achievements in the field of scientific research and its many international participation, Al-Abdullah also explained that within the shortcomings of candidates for members of the Technical Committee of the Seventh International Conference of Innovation, Knowledge and Management.