A lecturer choice from University of Basra is a member of the Advisory Council and a member of the editorial and scientifically in the Publishing House of Campage in Britain

A lecturer choice from University of Basra is a member of the Advisory Council and a member of the editorial and scientifically in the Publishing House of Campage in Britain:

Dr. Tarek Tawfiq Yousef Al-Abdullah was selected in the Accounting of the  Department college of Administration and Economics at the University of Basra as a member of the Advisory Council and a member of the Liberation and Scientific Agency at the Publishing House of Cambridge in Britain.

Alaballah explained that the Publishing of the Cambrige scholars from the role of ancient deployment in Britain in the field of accounting, finance and other social sciences. Al-Abdullah was granted to various responsibilities and responsibilities as a member of the Advisory Board in Assessment and Directing Publishing in the Accounting and Residential Research Field, as well as its authorization in the selection of candidates with experience in books that are characterized by scientific positions that are consistent with international standards in publishing books Global scientific. He indicated that the reason for his choice is due to its diverse scientific and international achievements at the level of publication in international and European magazines with a classification (Thompson Reuters) and the International System (Scobas) and its participation in many conferences of accounting and financial nature.