The role of the role of speculators in the global oil market

The role of the role of speculators in the global oil market:

The book  was issued(the role of speculation in the global oil market)) by Dr. (Nabil Jaafar Abdul Reda)) lecturer  in the Economic of the department – college  of Administration and Economics at the University of Basra and Engineering ((Manar Qassem Mohammed)).

Abd Al- Reha said that this book is the first in Arabic language  looking at speculative operations through future contracts, which is an active market factor, which is made oil one of the speculative goods, and the oil speculation is based on future expectations of prices based on a group of overall economic variables as well as political and climatic. Speculation is sometimes raising oil prices by 21% and received during the period 2004-2008. He said the book was very important to those interested in oil to understand speculative mechanisms and their influential role in world oil prices.