University of Basra discusses the search for higher diploma (strategic planning to develop tomato production under water scarcity conditions in Basra Governorate)

University of Basra discusses the search for higher diploma (strategic planning to develop tomato production under water scarcity conditions in Basra Governorate):

Business of  Administration of the Department at the college Administration and Economics  at the University of Basra discussed the high Diploma Masked Strategic Planning for Tomato Production Development under water scarcity conditions in the province of Basra) for the student for higher diploma - Strategic Planning (Kazem Sharqy Tahir).

The research aims to scan the reality of tomato crop cultivation and develop a driven strategy for the gap between the production of tomato crop and the growing need for Iraqi society's consumption and access to self-sufficiency and a course of action towards the future to achieve growth and development in the agricultural sector.