Brief About the University of Basrah

Brief About the University of Basrah
The University of Basrah was established on April 1, 1964
The second university after the University of Baghdad.  
Studying in it began in five colleges (science, engineering, economics, law and literature)in the first academic year 1964-1965 and accepted 816 male and female students.  During its years of life, the university developed a lot and became one of the scientific research centers in Iraq.
The university now includes 22 colleges containing 83 scientific departments, managing 11 Consultant offices and 16 scientific centers, it publishes 16 scientific magazines and periodicals.  
The university grants bachelor's degrees, higher diplomas, master's and PhD degrees in various sciences and specializations.
The University of Basrah had formed the first nucleus for each of the universities of Dhi Qar and Maysan, where the College of Education, the College of Arts, and the College of Science in Dhi Qar Governorate belonged to the University of Basrah to the year 2002, which witnessed the establishment of the University of Dhi Qar.  The College of Basic Education and the College of Education belonged to the University of Basra until 2007, when the University of Maysan was established.  
The university is a member of the Association of Arab Universities and the Federation of Universities of the Islamic World.