Discussion of higher diploma in energy economics

Discussion of higher diploma in energy economics:

The Economics  of the Department at the college of Administration and Economics at the University of Basra discussed the high diploma and analyzing the developmental roles of sovereign wealth funds in the oil economies, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is a model) for the student of higher diploma  Wejdan Adnan Al- tememy . Economics of Energy.

 Al-Tememy was clarify the importance of research comes as sovereign wealth funds is one of the means of management of oil revenues and ensuring the rights of future generations as well as the possibility of investing IFAD's capital into different economic activities that enhance the value added from GDP and set sustainable fund balances.

The researcher was aimed at highlighting the importance of developmental roles to be exercised by sovereign wealth funds and evaluating financial and economic performance of sovereign wealth funds as well as analyzing the current impacts of sovereign wealth funds.