Our college team beats the team of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences in the final of the five-ball championship

Our college team beats the team of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences in the final of the five-ball championship:
The team of the college of Administration and Economics met with the team of the college of Physical Education and Sports Sciences on Wednesday 1/3/2023 at the Fine Arts Stadium at ten o'clock, and over the honorable President of the University Cup.
With an enthusiastic atmosphere and the encouragement of the audiences, our college team was able to overcome the strong opponent with a score of 7 to 6, led by Dr. Hussein Musa Hussein and Dr. Rawaa Abdel-Amir. With this victory, the College of Administration and Economics retains the first place title for the third year in a row.
Thanks to the Deanship of the College of Business and Economics for its continuous support for sports, artistic and cultural activities.