Master's thesis  in Basra University Dimensions are reduced in a lesser rate of Penalty quantity for downturn (Division) with the Lasso Crobe Penal

Master's thesis  in Basra University Dimensions are reduced in a lesser rate of Penalty quantity for downturn (Division) with the Lasso Crobe Penal:
The College  of Administration  and Economics at the University of Basra on Sunday discussed on Sunday 2021/12/5 about reduced in a lesser rate of Penalty quantity for downturn (Division) with the Lasso Crobe Penal.
The researcher's thesis  (Rehab Ahmed Abdel-Abd) aims to find a semi-teacher who can obtain efficient capabilities and also to choose the best changes in the form.
The thesis concluded the efficiency of the Suggested Method of GlQMAVE and its superiority in LQMAVE.