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    2024-04-02 10:30:00

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    2024-04-02 10:30:00

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scientific seminar: (Financial aspects of the communication discourse according to Imam Ali (peace be upon him))

Under the patronage of the President of the University of Basrah Prof. Dr. Muhannad Jawad Al-Asadi & under the supervision of the Dean of the College of Administration and Economics Prof. Dr. Abdul Hussein Tawfiq Shibli
The College of Administration and Economics/Department of Accounting
Pleased to invite you to attend the tagged scientific seminar:

(Financial aspects of the communication discourse according to Imam Ali (peace be upon him))

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Suhail Abdullah Nasser
Lecturer: Assist. Prof. Dr.Abbas Abdel Aziz Sayhud
Session Chairman: Assist. Prof. Dr.Uday Safaa Al-Din Fadel
Session Rapporteur: L. Ali Taha Yassin 
at 10:30 am on Tuesday 2/4/2024. 
In Al Huria Hall of the College of Administration and Economics - Bab Al-Zubair Colleges Complex