2024-02-29 11:00:00
2024-02-29 11:00:00
Date post:
Awareness seminar entitled (Toxoplasmosis, its causes, methods of spread, effects on public health, and statistical analysis)
Under the patronage of the President of the University of Basrah Prof. Dr. Muhannad Jawad Kazem
And under the supervision of the Dean of the College of Administration and Economics Prof. Dr. Abdul Hussein Tawfiq Shibli
The Educational Guidance and Psychological Guidance Unit is established in the College of Administration and Economics
In cooperation with the Center for Development and Continuing Education at the University of Basrah
Awareness seminar entitled
(Toxoplasmosis, its causes, methods of spread, effects on public health, and statistical analysis)
Delivered by: Assist. Prof. Dr. Maysloun Abdel Hamid Nasser / college of Medicine
L. Dr. Ban Anas Sabbar/college of Medicine
L. Dr. Asmaa Ayoub Yacoub / Statistics Department
Managed by L. Mona Taher Ghafel / Statistics Department
Statistics Department laboratory hall
11:00 am - 29/2/2024 on Thursday /A general invitation for all