A lecturer at the University of Basra publishes discussion in the magazine economics and development studies - the American Institute

A lecturer at the University of Basra publishes discussion in the magazine economics and development studies - the American Institute:

Dr. Adnan Farhan Al-Jawharin published in the Economics of the Department, college of Administration and Economics at the University of Basra, a Search in the magazine economy and development studies issued by the American Research Institute ((Innovation in the GCC- economic analysis)). Al-Jawharin  said innovation means creating more quality products and services or new products that improve the quality of human life and raise its welfare level, explaining that the aim is to explain why the GCC countries in innovation, although they are rich and average individual income is high from the world.

The research has concluded that there are many obstacles to the path of developing innovation in these countries, most notably the proportion of investment in research and development as a percentage of GDP, and low education expenditure as a percentage of GDP and the absence of incentives for creativity.