University  of Basra holds a seminar entitled (Islamic banks between the exploitation of religious identity and the absence of credibility)

University  of Basra holds a seminar entitled (Islamic banks between the exploitation of religious identity and the absence of credibility):
A discussion was discussed in the Financial and Banking science  at the college of Administration and Economics – University of Basrah entitled (Islamic Banks between the exploitation of religious identity and the absence of credibility)) by Dr.Eklas Bqeer Al- Najaar.

Dr.Eklas pointed out that the Islamic Banks law was based on the basis of a permission  to establish Islamic banks with commitment to the exercise of allowable banking Without an interest, tender and on the formulas of bank transactions that do not conflict with Islamic law, both in the field of deposit or funding and investment, without advantage  according to  the bank transactions that do not conflict with Islamic law, whether  in the field of deposit or funding and investment, Which aims to keeping away from the suspension of interest rate.

The researcher also added that the  Islamic banks in Iraq are obliged committee controlling legality to monitor banking and the extent of its commitment to Islamic legality , but the Islamic banks are always at stake, including the exploitation of religious identity and the absence of credibility. Many of them Exploitation of religion for material benefit, so the researcher raised several questions about Islamic banks to discuss with the members of the college in the section and who attended the seminar.