HONORING CERMONY TO THE Prof. Dr. Abdul-Reda Farag Badrawi
The Deanship of the College of Administration and Economics at the University of Basrah in partnership with the presidency of the Department of Financial and Banking Sciences, held on Tuesday 1/11/2022 and in the presence of the Dean of the College Prof. Dr. Abdul-Hussein Tawfeeq Shibli, the dean assistant for scientific affairs Prof. Dr. Nadwa Hilal Jawda and the head of financial and banking sciences department Prof. Dr. Muntazer Fadel Saad Al-Battat Celebration honoring Prof. Dr. Abdel Reda Farag Badrawi, who was referred to retirement for reaching the legal age.
The Dean of the College praised Prof. Dr. Abdel Reda Farag's scientific career and his distinguished and effective efforts in serving our prestigious college and university.
On the other hand, the Dean of the College and the Head of the Department of Financial and Banking Sciences presented shields of thanks and appreciation for loyalty, gratitude and gratitude, wishing him with sincere invitations all the best, success and lasting success.
Finally, the department's lecturers and the honorable audience offered the most beautiful words and wishes for continuous giving and success in his future life.