University of Basrah wins two medals at the Asian Universities Summit

University of Basrah wins two medals at the Asian Universities Summit:
The University of Basrah won two gold and silver one out of eight medals during the Asian Universities Summit held in Japan.
The president of the university Prof. Dr. Saad Shaheen Hammadi indicated that the university continues to shine in Asia during the summit held in the Japanese city of Nagoya, in light of its winning of two gold and silver medals.
He added, "The first medal is for the university's superiority in team leadership, and the second medal is for its role in innovation and excellence in the arts."
And the University of Basra is reaping achievement after achievement, and taking accelerated steps in upgrading its academic and scientific position.
It is noteworthy that the University of Basra has achieved remarkable scientific achievements during the past three years, and these achievements have contributed to the advancement of the university's position in international rankings.