Dissertation writing guide/postgraduate studies/academic program/department of financial and banking sciences



Choosing a research topic

1. The concerned department or scientific branch prepares a list of the names of the department’s general specializations with the announcement of scientific research projects in each specialization (without giving the full title so that the student can rely on his practical ability in research and under the guidance of the supervising professor) Each project has the name of the supervising professor.

2. Within a period not exceeding the end of the second semester the student chooses three research projects from the above list in sequence according to the priority of desire according to a form prepared for this purpose The student may propose a research project provided that he presents the justifications that the scientific department or branch is convinced of.

3. The student submits under the guidance of the supervisor and in light of the review of research and studies related to the specialization by focusing on the theoretical foundations related to the topic of the research. Weekly meetings are held between the supervisor and the student with the submission of monthly periodic reports on the research.

4. The student under the guidance of the supervisor designs the research and develops its plan.

5. The research plan is discussed by the Scientific Studies Committee in the department, in the presence of the student and the supervisor after the student gives a panel discussion on the topic within a maximum period of one month from the date of approval of the research topic. The student is obligated to make the submitted amendments and additions, if any.

6. The student under the guidance of the supervisor develops a plan to collect the necessary data according to the nature of the research and determine its locations in the office field, field laboratory and any other locations using the appropriate means in collecting information according to a timetable for the student's work that includes setting the date for completing the research. 

7. The student analyzes the data and information collected, designs tables and graphics, and under the guidance of the supervising professor.



The preparation of the research plan constitutes the most important and most difficult difficulty facing the researcher concerned with academic research due to the nature of the conditions, rules and techniques that are required to be available in the plan, in the forefront of which are:



The title of the project is an academic research that must be integrated and consistent within the framework that is being researched in it and the field of knowledge to which the research belongs. In other words, the title must allow the researcher to choose the appropriate method for research, which in turn defines its procedures and tools without which it is difficult to complete research operations.



The researcher must indicate the importance of the topic and convince the studies official, or supervisor of the importance and necessity of the topic and then the importance must include the following points:

1. The researcher’s idea: The researcher must clarify the research idea and present it in an understandable, convincing and acceptable manner for discussion.

2. Research date: that is the researcher is obligated to specify the time period for conducting the research.

3. Relationship of the research with the cognitive domain to which the research machine belongs: The researcher is obligated to present and clarify the relationship between the targeted research and the cognitive domain to which the research machine itself belongs.

4. Defining the problem: The importance must include defining a summary of the problem.

5. Previous research: The researcher must then indicate whether the problem has been studied before or not.

6. The areas of benefit from the research: In conclusion, the researcher must clarify the areas that could benefit from the research results.



The research problem represents the most important joints of the research and its data. Without it, it is impossible to conduct a procedure. Therefore, the researcher is obliged to clarify several points regarding the problem.



The identification of the problem must be followed by addressing the previous studies, which are of particular importance in guiding the researcher and helping him identify research procedures and techniques. The researcher must realize that the points targeted by the previous systematic research studies are:

The research problem, research hypotheses, research methodology and tools: the results that the study came out with, and then the researcher’s opinion and evaluation of the mentioned points.



The research hypotheses represent the defining limit in the research plan, that is, they are the scientific solutions provided to address the research problem.



The research method includes all types of research technology that the researcher needs, including procedures and tools. The more the researcher is familiar with the curriculum and is able to choose the appropriate curriculum, the more he will be able to complete his research accurately, quickly and scientifically.



The researcher must also include in his research plan all the basic concepts that his research deals with, especially the concepts that are mentioned in the vocabulary of the title and the vocabulary of the problem, as well as hypotheses for the purpose of avoiding theoretical ambiguity that may limit the freedom of movement of the researcher in the field of knowledge that the researcher deals with.


Specifications of the university thesis

1. The university logo is placed in the upper right corner of the letter and the name of the university is written under it, then the title of the thesis or thesis is written as prescribed by the responsible authority in a prominent font in the middle of the page and between it the phrase (thesis or thesis submitted.....  Then write under it the full name of the student followed by the name of the department in which the student is registered, followed by the academic degree that the thesis submitter intends to obtain preceded by the phrase (it is part of the requirements for a master’s degree or doctorate in ……) and at the end of the cover Write the month and year in which the message was submitted in the Hejri and Gregorian calendars. 

2.  The number of pages for the thesis in scientific specializations is limited to 120 pages for a master's degree and 200 pages for a doctorate. 

3.  The number of pages for the thesis in the humanities is limited to 200 pages for the master's degree and 400 pages for the doctorate.


The organizational structure of the thesis

1. The student writes the thesis according to a general structure that includes the title with the submission of a summary of no more than (250) words in Arabic that includes the purpose of conducting the research and the results that have been reached.

2.  The introduction includes the research problem and objectives.

3. Review of previous research and studies. 

4. The methods used in the research.

5. Results and discussion.

6. Conclusions and recommendations. 

7. A summary of no more than (200) words in a living foreign language.


How to write the thesis or thesis

1. The thesis or thesis should be presented in its final clear form printed by the calculator, and the printing should be equal in letters, consistent, and in clear black color when submitting the first copy.

2. Use white paper of size (210* 297) mm and of good quality, and only one type of paper is used for writing.

3. Leaves (4 cm) including the edge of the binding of papers while the other edges must be left (2 cm) including the edge of the quoted texts and the margins. 

4. The space between one line and another shall be (1,5) one of the calculator’s blanks except for the margins at the bottom of the page and the quoted texts wherever they are found, so only one space is used. 

5. The new paragraph begins with a shift (2 cm) to the left in Arabic and to the right in English.

6. The pages are numbered consecutively throughout the thesis, including introductions and indexes, except for pictures, charts and maps that are not related to the body of the thesis, where separate numbers are given to them and the numbers are placed on the upper side of the page if the thesis is in Arabic, but if it is in English, the number is placed on the right side of the thesis.  If the message consists of more than one part, each part is given its own numbering. 


The contents of the thesis  

1. The title page contains the title of the thesis as it is installed on the cover of the thesis. 

2.  Followed by the signatures page of the discussion committee with the head of the department, as shown in the attached declaration. 

3.  Followed by the dedication page (if there is a gift in the message). 

4. Followed by a page of thanks and appreciation.

5. Followed by a summary of the thesis or thesis with no more than (250) words.

6. Followed by a list of the full contents of the thesis or thesis. 

7. A list of symbols and terms used in the thesis or thesis. 

8. The main structure of the thesis or thesis (abstract, introduction).

9. List of sources and references. 

10.  Supplements. 

11. Summary of the message in a live foreign language.


General Instructions  

1. The student submits (6) copies of the thesis in its final form along with (15) (CD)

2.  The college bears the fees for printing the thesis as follows:

*15,000 dinars for the Ph.D. 

*100 thousand dinars for a master's degree.

*50 thousand dinars for a higher diploma.

3.  A master's thesis or a doctoral thesis shall be rejected if it is confirmed that the student has quoted texts from sources or references on successive or separate pages in the thesis without indicating its source.

4. Withdrawing the certificate from the student in the event that the thesis or thesis is accepted, and then it is discovered that it was stolen later.

5. The fees for printing theses and theses for postgraduate studies are according to the annual budget that was approved, as (400,000) thousand dinars were allocated for each doctoral or master’s student in the research stage, and (200) thousand dinars for each high diploma student in the research stage, and it was agreed that the wages of A doctoral thesis is printed for an amount of no less than (150) thousand dinars, masters (100) thousand dinars, and diplomas (50) thousand dinars.